AutumnWinter 2016/2017 trend forecasting is 
A TREND/COLOR Guide that offer seasonal inspiration & key color direction for
Women/Men's Fashon, Sport & Intimate Apparel
AW2016/17 Trend Forecasting for Women, Men, Intimate, Sports Apparel - Innovation Fiber with a combination of vintage appearance of sensual prints/colors and close connection with eco-friendly atmosphere have faith in what will be in coming AutumnWinter
AW 2016/17 Trend Forecasting for Women, Men, Intimate, Sport Apparel - Environmentally friendly remain very much at the heart of coming Autumn Winter season and holds the key to our aesthetic which turned a weed to a wish
AW2016/17 Trend Forecasting for Women, Men, Intimate, Sport Apparel - Expressing the trend by bringing sensational nature to life with frosty colors stimulated earth’s touch graphic
AW2016/2017 Trend Forecasting for Wome, Men, Intimate, Sport Apparel - Keep sustainability concepts at the heart of development and making graphic pattern with stimulative color that shaped to the coming Autumn Winter with environmentalism
AW2016/2017 Trend Forecasting for Women, Men, Intimate, Sport Apparel - The future is demonstrating a mixed culture of nature and technology that create a powerful platform to drive fashion inside-out into a whole new creative way
SpringSummer  2017
Nov 2015
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